We came home from a 4 day camping trip to Robber’s Cave State Park Oklahoma . Which by the way is beautiful! The farm got 2 and a quarter inches of rain while we were gone. Things grew like crazy.
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First to the top-wire is our new Columbia Hop row! Columbia seems to be a great Kansas hop. The sun and warm air has done them all wonders. Been working hard on the new Triumph hop rows. They took a
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A mix of spring and cow peas are in for the hop lane Spring cover crop. Fergus (border collie) is inspecting my work. Not a totally smooth day. We broke a planter part and snagged a few strings. The planter
Read moreSoil Amendments
Working hard on our soil, especially correcting pH. We’ve made some solid improvements with the help of @midwestlaboratories and @agritec.international. Part of our plan to produce high quality fresh hops. Just don’t make fun of our modern, high tech spreader.
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Last days of Elsa’s Spring break. Camping at Kanopolis and salt mine tour. Perfect opportunity to stop by Sandhills Brewing for a beer. Pelican was wonderful, no doubt in part due to the great local hops from our friends at
Read moreSparkling Hop Water
With Spring bringing warmer temps, nothing is more refreshing when working outside than sparkling hop water! This batch was made using Darbro Farms Crystal hop pellets. It might just be our best batch ever!
Read moreGrowth spurt
Dry sunny weather in the http://Darbro Farms.com hop yard brought on a little growth spurt. Side arms starting to branch out! We went right back to the rain though. Hopefully we can keep the growth going.
Read moreA little weeding
We got a little weeding in, but of course it’s raining again now.
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The leaf hoppers and spider mites have launched an attack. It’s been a hard spring for hops with all the flooding. My neighbors who depend on farming for their livelihood are really being challenged. Not many fields have been planted.
Read moreDone with 2019 planting!
We are done with new planting for 2019. Three new full rows with hundreds of plants added. New varieties Willamette and Columbia added and our Crystal Hops have been more that doubled. Time to work on irrigation, weeding and 18
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